
Milgram Experiment

The Book of Milgram Experiment
——'Obedience to Authority', Stanley Milgram 
     Hey! This is Dr. Behaviorson. Remember last time when we talked about Stanford Prison Experiment. The investigation was applied extremely because people were arrested for unknown reasons and they were blindly imprisoned to a secret prison. In fact, throughout the whole experiment, many “prisoners” chose to obey the rules given by experiment conductors despite many times of violent struggles and forceful complaints. But why is that? Why do people have to obey the rules suddenly made for them and become so subordinate beyond expectation? So this time we are going to talk about why people would be obedient to certain rules. In 1963, Yale psychology professor Stanley Milgram decided to devise an experiment to test people’s willingness of subordination under certain pressure. Especially, Stanley Milgram chose some Yale college students as the subjects of the experiment. you may ask why he chose Yale college students to be the subjects. My personal conjecture is that college students are easy to form a disobedient and even rebellious mindset under the circumstances embraced by broader scope of social communication and various choices and opportunities provided by society. Therefore, under such influence, college students would be likely to defy the settled facts. On the other side, Stanley Milgram also chose a wide variety of people of different ages to achieve the universality of the experiment.
     In the experiment, there are 3 types of individuals involved: experiment conductors, subjects and confederates. Wait! Why is the position of confederate set? The confederate is like an associative actor of the experiment conductor. In other words, experiment conductor is the protagonist on the stage to perform and confederate is like a perfect foil to increase the dramatic intensity. Of course, the subject is the blind man on the stage to sense this dramatic intensity and decide whether to believe. Therefore, instead of being an elaborate experiment, this investigation is rather a planned show with histrionic effects. Back to the experiment, the experiment conductor and the subject were placed in one room and the confederate was place in the other. When the subject was invited to join in the experiment, they were told with misleading details of the experiment. Actually, the experiment conductors and subjects interacted in a way of QAQ. With every correct one, the subject can continue the next question posed by the conductor. With every wrong one, the experiment conductor had to increase the 15-voltge on the meter to “electrify” the confederate. The punishment was so absurd that many people began to question the motives of the questioner and his rules. But after a succession of questions, they are reluctant to go on. And with every time pressing with minor conviction and major doubt, the subjects would hear a frightening, though feigned, shout from the confederate, who was painfully bounded by the electrodes and trapped in the dimmed closet. Maybe the imagination of the subject would not go so far because the terror associated with the shout, like a warning bell, petrified the subject each and every time they pressed the button. In other words, their anxiety escalated over and over and affected negatively on the correctness of their answers. Therefore, as the experiment proceeded by the time, the subjects gradually lost their rational thinking for the frequent shout and approached the blink of the collapse. Needless to say, after certain degree of electrical shock, the subjects could not accept the punishment to the confederate instead of themselves. But they did not know that the pain from the punishment in the confederate was empathized to themselves. Of course, people exhibited various reactions of disparate emotions. Some showed extreme anger onto the absurdity and meaninglessness of the instructions given by the conductor. They also repeated times after times that they would not continue under any condition. Some showed the sense of despair and even begged to quit the experiment. Thus, the similarity shared by the majority of experimenters was the unwillingness to proceed. They, of course, indicated their personal wills to reject and defy.
Depression in choosing
whether to obey
     But here is a noticeable point in the experiment: the instructions given by the experimenter. What is the magic lurked in the words of the experimenter to maintain the subjects’ willingness at the beginning but to make them refuse in the end? What kind of communicative hint should be given to show the subjects’ willingness of obedience? Actually, instructions given by the experimenter were brief and clear and there are only four types of instructions given: “Please continue”, “The experiment requires that you continue”, “It is absolutely essential that you continue” and “You have no other choices, you must go on.” Under a close examination, the words are found forceful and especially determined. From the other aspect, the instructions implied that the subjects’ actions would not responsible for the injuries suffered by the confederate. This implication offered an excuse for the subject to press the button. Yes, the human stain. The obedience came from free of duty and the invisible power embraced in the words. Basically, the subjects reacted to the instructions subconsciously, using the crucial factors in the surroundings instead of the rational thinking to make the choice. Therefore, their unwillingness was successively performed and the experiment was halted times after times, forming an increasing pressure for the subjects either to answer or to press the button for the wrong answer. When their fingertips approached the maximum indicators on the meter, most people felt half-relieved, for there is no more painfully-struck screaming from the next      room, and half-horrified, for possible accusation of murder of electrification. In reality, about 65% of subjects pressed the 450-voltage, which is the highest indicator on the meter. But when they finally saw the confederate walking out of the room unharmed, extreme negativity shown in their emotions soon vanished.
     After the experiment, people’s reaction achieved the polarization again, but mostly about criticisms. Certainly, one perspective from the experiment was that what the subjects were assured was not validated. For example, they were unaware of the fact that they would exert execution on the victims. Therefore, the breach of the promises also gave an opportunity for critics. The other perspective from the criticism was the exploration of the hidden aspects of the human nature——obedience. It forced us keep in touch with certain facts, suppressing to a superior power. But here is the question. To what extent was obedience applied to measure the human nature? Did it mean that obedience to the superior power equals to the stain in the human nature? Maybe the inappropriateness in the experiment revealed us from the measure of the extremes of obedience. And the way to measure them was so ruthless and unconventional. It can be imagined that when the person was forced to press the 450-voltage button, enormous pressure forced him to follow the obedience but there should be an inner voice deep down in the subject’s heart, associated with the principles of social ethics, calling out to forbid. In fact, it is person’ competition of his inside with his outside. And the purpose of the investigation is to see which side wins.
Indications on the Meter 
     Overall, the obedience in the modern society has always been an unsettled subject. Maybe when we face certain pressure from the unchallengeable authority, we would mostly obey to it. But when certain rule is flexible enough or much freedom is given, we would have a different choice. And that’s rational thinking. But under the controlled experimental conditions, rationality did not apply and only sub-consciousness worked, which functioned as a critical factor that influences the subjects in every pressured pressing.



Stanford Prison Experiment

 M. C. Escher's "Circle Limit IV
Hey! This is Dr. Behaviorson. Now I’m back to tell you about interesting psychological phenomena in the human history. If you were asked to name a psychological experiment that you’ve heard, somebody might mention Stanford prison experiment. Why is this specific psychological experiment so deeply entrenched in people’s mind? Exactly, we would talk about some aspects related to the most famous psychological experiment in the human history ever, Stanford Prison Experiment. If you have read One Hundred Years of Solitude, you would definitely remember the beginning sentence of the book: “Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.” Obviously, García Márquez set the tone of execution at the very beginning in order to color an atmosphere of solemnity. Similarly, Stanford psychologist, Phillip Zimbardo, decided to further investigate this condition. Therefore, what happened next was that twenty-four students got handcuffed at a loss and escorted to the pre-designed-and-constructed prison inside Stanford University.
Stanford County Prison
Let’s imagine this. If you were suddenly handcuffed and acknowledged that you had had huge crime beforehand, you would be extremely incredulous of what you had been told. But after many times you were “brainwashed”, you would become startlingly convinced and gradually accepted to the idea of your having committed a crime. In this aspect, the starting purpose of Stanford experiment is similar to that of Milgram Experiment, which aimed to turn people’s characteristic under certain pressure into the subject of the study. But the most important subject to study is not how people would be submissive to some pressured circumstance, but whether people would go astray and even be turned into “evil” under this circumstance. Therefore, in order to make people feel guilty, Zimbardo had made every possible detail sinful. Firstly, he forced every “prisoner” to wear the orange uniforms. Constrained by clothes marked by inferiority and wrongdoing, experimenters would feel inward cognition of being incriminated. So Zimbardo successfully turned experimenters de-individualize. Secondly, simulative prison was built on the campus of Stanford University. So when prisoners were trapped in the designed construction on the University campus, they would actually think themselves stay in the prison.

But you might ask how they got “evil” internally. They were just placed in the settings of prison and had no reason to become people who deserve sitting in the prison. Therefore, Zimbardo added some stimulating actions to make people feel guiltier. Firstly, he deprived prisoners’ sleep and harassed the prisoners from time to time. Needless to say, some experimenters were so annoyed that they shouted and screamed to protest. And even in the process of experiment, some experimenters became so deranged that they were dislodged so that Zimbardo feared of complete destruction of personality. Surprisingly, though Stanford prison experiment entailed a lot of ethical problems and even some experimenters were deeply psychological suffered in the process, no experimenters after the experiment had ever suffered any type of psychological disease.

Overall, this research was intended to find the purpose of finding out what happened when individuality and dignity were stripped away from a human. But it gradually involved into a sorrowful drama. Needless to say, the extent of experimenters’ forbearance of being deprived of freedom and basic human rights was a crucial threshold in the success of the experiment. And the peak of experimenters’ endurance could be investigated in the means of adding dehumanizing punishments. However, in the process of adding up these dehumanizing punishments, investigators stood not in the perspective of finding out people’s endurance but had been pushed to be indifferently insistent. What’s more, the excessive reality created has been overly exaggerated. Experimenters were instilled the idea that they were trapped in an unknown prison and ruthlessly and irrationally sentenced. Therefore, maybe people entered the position of extreme subordination not for their innate characteristics, but for demented aftermath of physical and mental pressure. Nevertheless, the contribution of this experiment is enormous so that it was acclaimed as the most distinguished experiment in the psychological history ever. But more importantly, the conclusion we arrived at is that people fall into the role their society has made for them. Provided with subordination, experimenters felt the way that they had been given to. If this trait was applied in a bigger context, we are situated in the place where society has given to. Workers in flow line production becomes inured and dependent of their jobs because they do not have greater abilities and opportunities. Aristocracies and hereditary middle-class would not suddenly fall to the bottom of the social structure because they are offered with majority of benefits. Perhaps bemoaning the unduly clarified categorization in the social structure is people’s usual sentiment, people’s intended psychology guides and makes them fit the fixed position.

Reference: 1. M. C. Escher's "Circle Limit IV" © 2006 The M. C. Escher Company-Holland.
          3. http://quotes.lifehack.org/media/quotes/quote-Philip-Zimbardo-the-stanford-prison-experiment-came-out-of-37978.png


Hawthorne Studies (II)

OK. Last time we talked about the first two experiments in Hawthorne Studies. Those two were really fascinating experiments as some of you might hear them before. But this time, we would introduce some experiments that you are not that familiar with. So let’s move on!
Figure 1 Paul R. Lawrences (American Sociologist)

The last two experiments are Mass Interview Experiment and Bank Wiring Test Room Experiment. Since there might be dissatisfaction among workers that caused the low efficiency of workers, there might be some problems in management methods. Therefore, the psychological team led by Elton Mayo started an interview with workers. More importantly, they deeply studied the complaints and attempted to figure out the reasons of dissatisfaction. Nevertheless, the consequences of the experiment was not satisfying. Out of personal benefit, someone might complain disadvantages of the factory in order to improve their own welfare. In the famous
Two-factor Theory, the problems mentioned in the complaints of workers are hygiene factors while the welfare mentioned in the last experiment is motivators. According to the theory, the problems mentioned can become no dissatisfaction but they cannot become satisfaction. In other words, when the problems mentioned were really solved, workers would not as motivated as in the last situation. for another example, when a prisoner came out of the prison and again enjoyed the delicacy and entertainment, he or she would not feel exceedingly motivated because these were formerly enjoyed by him or her. Therefore, the interview experiment could not be claimed as a success.
Figure 2 Hawthorne Works (Western Electric Company)

The final one is Bank Wiring Test Room Experiment. The psychological team attempted to create an unofficial organization among all workers in order to change the attitude of these workers. Among all the workers in Hawthorne Works, 14 male workers were chosen, of whom 9 are winders and 3 are wielders and 2 are inspectors, working in a closed room. It would have been considered that they would be working harder than before but the results were disappointing. The output of workers was moderate and similar with that of each other. It turned out that if someone had overworked, it might cause other members of team lose the job. In this experiment, Group Cohesiveness or Team Cohesion could be vividly indicated. Team members all aspired for the same purpose through a team norm of productivity. Specifically, in this situation, the norm (an expected standard of behavior) of the team is lowly productive, rest of members would usually conform. Considering the fact that some underperforming workers might leave the team, other over-performing workers might reduce their efficiency in order to achieve a balance. Therefore, in terms of high cohesion, there might be fewer dropouts by underperforming players and hence a general balance in workers’ underperformance.
After all the procedures were done in the Hawthorne experiment, the conclusion would be easy to predict. People would be easy to work in the conditions with great sense of pride and satisfaction. Also, physical stimulus is not as effective as emotional stimulus, such as dignity, harmonious interpersonal relationships, etc. As the experiment was conducted for such a long-lasting period, there are also some criticism towards this. Because all the sub-experiments were controlled in limited situation instead of real settings, the data collected and the conclusion might be questionable. Also, since the experiment was based relatively on a large experimental group, the element of “group” might largely influence the outcomes of conclusion. Overall, Hawthorne Studies was one of the most important psychology research on human behavior. Also, this study was skillfully incorporated psychology with business management and economics.
If you like Hawthorne Effect we have been talking about today, or if you like some psychology research concerned the studies of human reaction, then you don’t want to miss what we will be talking next time: Stanford Prison Experiment. As this experiment was also about the Behavioral Sciences and Stanford University is my most dream university. More importantly, Stanford Prison Experiment is one of the most popular psychological experiments. But this time we would go deeper, and we would be awesome!

Hawthorne Studies (I)

There is a big news coming out! Mr. John’s class will be included as a part of the school’s Open Course, and the entire class will be recorded! Before, you were determined to hang out with friends, but now you’ve taken out your Catcher in the Rye to jot down some more detailed notes. Quickly, you got your notes down and filtered all the pages with astonishing efficiency. When the bell rang, several supervising teachers and camera guys push their cumbersome machines in. You cannot control your nervousness as sweat lined down the forehead. In the middle of the lesson, when the camera guy carried the DV machine approaching, you smile as much as possible, pretending that you had mastered the “copying motif” talked by Mr. John. Maybe you don’t like that smile but the camera guy liked it because that should be a normal student’s reaction. You kept disguising yourself with a smile, but nervousness had already abased you attention.

Figure 1 The Output Against the Time Progress
Needless to say, that’s maybe one of the scenes you were trapped. And when you tried to change the performance, that’s called the “Hawthorne Effect”. Maybe someone would prefer it as the “Observer Effect”. It illustrates the performance of individuals when you know you are being watched. This effect was concluded from the famous “Hawthorne Experiment” and this was established as the cornerstone of Behavioral Sciences. Since people don’t get much touch with the studies of psychology, this conclusion was not something that a bunch of psychologists bent on working in the so-called “psychology labs” all day, watching people how to do and behave in these closed environments. In fact, this effect was created to meet the production needs. At the beginning, there was a factory “Hawthorne Works. Because of the lack of efficiency and productivity in the factory workers, the famous psychologist at that time, George Elton Mayo, was sent to check the situation and determined to find out the cause. Therefore, he conducted several experiments to test the productivity of workers.
The first one is Illumination Experiment. You know, when rows of workers are working, there are a great amount of factory lights dangling right ahead of them. Therefore, the psychologists wanted to see whether the luminosity of lights would change the productivity of workers. Surprisingly enough, as lights turned on more brightly, the productivity of workers decreased. However, the experiment was conducted pretty badly. The psychological team investigated too many variables in conducting the experiment. Therefore, the initial conclusion was then invalidated. What’s much worse, near the end of the experiment, since there are inconsistencies in the data collected and there were protests from workers, the illumination experiment was finally terminated in fiasco. After all, after many attempts, the investigation results were that the illumination barely had any effect on the productivity of workers. The picture right above the paragraph illustrate the productivity of workers as the time progressed.

Figure 2 Track and Field Events

The second one is called Relay Assembly Test Room Experiment. Because there were unsuccessfulness in the former “illumination experiment”, a new research team was formed to specialize researching the causes of the productivity. What can you think of welfare? You know, when the experiment was conducted, several workers were chosen and they were given some welfare, for example, reduction in working hours, extension in break time, etc. After the Motivation was given, factory output received a great increase. It’s like when you
Figure 3 Women in the Relay Assembly Test Room
 tell a naughty boy that he can have a candy bar when he finishes the homework. Especially under such circumstances, Interpersonal Relationship was exhibited in the form of reciprocity. This could be considered that we are attracted quite powerfully to those who are attracted to us. Specifically, the supervision and control could change the attitude and, more precisely, productivity of workers. Therefore, workers would be more motivated to increase the output of factory. In other words, the workers chosen felt a great sense of satisfaction and pride so they would be in a good mood while working. This element was later proved as one of the most crucial factors that determine workers’ productivity, even more important than the Stimulus of welfare (motivation).
Overall, as we have mentioned so much about the specific procedures of Hawthorne Studies, there are some mistakes or misconduct during the whole experiments. In summary, when the Illumination Experiment was conducted, there were so many variables that the experiment conclusion could be highly unreliable. The reason is that when the luminosity of the factory lights was changed, there might be more change than only that of luminosity. Also, when the Relay Assembly Test Room Experiment was conducted, workers could not figure out whether their efficiency has been enhanced. Therefore, it would be unclear either to the research team or to us whether there is a relationship between the motivation factors and the efficiency of workers. However, it is known that after the efficiency was improved little after all these motivation factors had been given. OK. I think I have talked about much about the first 2 experiments in the whole Hawthorne Studies. Next time, we would keep focusing on the rest 2 experiments. Most importantly, don’t forget to be awesome!


The Start of Psychology

It was hard to imagine how I’d imbue myself into the psychological world during middle school, especially when I was sensitive to others’ behaviors and expressions. When I grew into my adolescence, I paid more attention to others’ thoughts and unintentional actions. Sometimes, I would feel great magical when observing them. It was like there were some other voices speaking from their inner hearts. Gradually, I became fascinated with watching people’s unwitting behavior or, more precisely, mediating on people’s inner feelings. Learning about and from individuals’ thoughts, actions and guidance drew me in more and more, so a brand new study—psychology—came into my sight. Psychology functions closely in human life. so this would achieve my yet unrealized wish: research topics about psychology.
To begin with, I would start compiling whatever psychological research I can find through sources like JSTOR and LexisNexis, which are websites that are able to provide huge amount of information and professional articles. While exploring each piece of research, I hope to better understand how psychological phenomena are professionally interpreted. Especially, I would pick out landmark studies and thinkers, like Wilhelm Wundt, Sigmund Freud and John Watson in psychology history. Specifically speaking, I happened to find the RAND website and found out the standards of research. Using these case studies, I’ll try to see which did—and did not—uphold modern standards of research. Then, with the help of listed standards, I could compare the terms of standards with information of a specific psychology research. In this way, advantages and disadvantages of the research would naturally come out. In the next step, I could closely examine the “disadvantages” and figure out methods of improving “disadvantages” in amateur research reports and the methodologies of Chinese psychological research. Lastly, I would present all what I find out in the blog and make an overall summary.
In the following, I would attempt to discover more crucial psychological research, especially ones of revolutionary development of significance of time. As increasingly analyses of psychological research are accumulated, I would be able to conclude the general principles of psychological research. Then, with the aid of this generalization, I would be more familiar with the study of psychology.
As a whole, psychology is one of the most prevalent studies in the society. Psychological research would be a rudimentary constituent of psychology. I assume that there are tons of people I don’t know also have the identically strong interest towards psychology. They also would like to learn lots of knowledge and do a satisfactory research. Maybe my collection of psychological research would help them and make them better understand the standards of psychology. In the unknown future, I hope my blog could be one of most elementary references concerned psychology on the Internet.